

The Conversation Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in Language
摘要 以往的大部分性别语言研究都把性别差异作为重点,在对比中形成了一种性别定势/刻板印象。对此特提出对性别定势的质疑,目的在于让读者认识到这种性别刻板印象所带来的负面影响。故借鉴社会语言学和语用学等方面的理论成果,从会话结构、策略和风格三方面,对影视作品中所收集的男女对话进行了对比分析,其最终的目的就是尽量减少男女对话中的误解,促进男女话语交际顺利有效地进行。 Previous gender - language studies put most of their attention to gender differences in conversation, in turn, gender stereotypes have been formed in language because of the excessive comparison between the two genders. However, the challenge to gender stereotypes is the main point of this paper. The author wants to draw readers' attention to the negative effect of the gen- der stereotypes. Based on the theories of sociolinguistics and pragmatics, this paper approaches inter-gender dialogues from the perspectives of conversation structure, conversation strategy and conversation style. The ultimate goal of this analysis is to mini- mize the misunderstandings in inter-gender communication and achieve effective and successful inter - gender communication.
作者 陈静
出处 《杭州师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第5期94-100,共7页 Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 性别 性别歧视 定势/刻板印象 会话分析 gender sexism stereotype conversation analysis
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