Journal of Guangxi Medical University
1Adam R, Azoulay D, Castaing D, et al. Liver resection as a bridge to transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma on cirrhosis : a reasonable strategy? Ann Surg, 2003,238 (4) :508-518.
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6吕波,文天夫,陈哲宇,严律南,李波,曾勇,王文涛,徐明清,杨家印.肝癌肝移植术后肝癌复发特点的初步分析[J].四川大学学报(医学版),2008,39(2):335-337. 被引量:6
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1舒明,彭承宏,沈柏用,陈皓,邱伟华,邓侠兴,李宏为.原发性肝癌切除术后复发的肝移植治疗[J].中国实用外科杂志,2006,26(5):369-371. 被引量:2
2杨宁,杨广顺,邵卓,卢军华,张海斌,王鑫,司马辉,吴田田,李团结.原发性肝癌切除术后复发的肝移植治疗[J].中国实用外科杂志,2007,27(3):217-220. 被引量:16
3Majno PE, Sarasin P, Mentha G, et al. Primary liver resection and salvage transplantation or primary liver transplantation in patients with single, small hepatocellular carcinoma and pre- served liver function: an outcome-oriented decision analysis [J]. Hepatology, 2000,31 (4):899-906.
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2高超,叶成杰,郭亚民,吴纲.高原肝泡状棘球蚴病自体肝移植术后并发症的分析[J].器官移植,2016,7(6):449-453. 被引量:6
3吴英,唐腾骞,卢倩,杨占宇.1例肝移植术后并发腹腔内出血、认知功能障碍及压疮的护理[J].现代临床护理,2017,16(12):71-74. 被引量:9
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7沈世强,向近见.复发性肝癌的射频治疗[J].临床外科杂志,2005,13(3):132-133. 被引量:1
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