
GH4169合金涡轮盘热模锻工艺的优化研究 被引量:17

The research on the optimization of the hot die forging of GH4169 turbine discs
摘要 在GH4169合金涡轮盘的实际生产中存在不同程度的组织不均匀性和折叠等缺陷,从而降低了涡轮盘的使用性能。文章将GH4169合金的热加工图以及动态再结晶模型和晶粒长大模型与有限元结合,同时采用Kumar模型描述GH4169合金的本构关系,预测了某GH4169合金涡轮盘热模锻造过程中功率耗散因子η和组织的分布,以及塑性失稳区的位置,预测结果与实际结果一致。运用正交设计试验方法分析了各工艺参数对终锻温度和涡轮盘内组织分布均匀性的影响。 In practice, there are many different microstructure defeds and creases which reduce the performance of the turome discs. In this paper, the processing maps, the dynamic recrystallization model and the grain growth model of GH4169 during forging are integrated in the user subroutine, and the Kumar model is employed to describe the constitutive equation, and the efficiency of power dissipation η, the mierostructural evolution and the plastic instability areas of GH4169 turbine discs during forging are predicted. The simulated results agree well with the forging results. Orthogonal design method is employed for analyzing the effect of parameters on the final forging temperature and the uniformity of the microstrueture distribution.
出处 《塑性工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期69-75,共7页 Journal of Plasticity Engineering
关键词 GH4169合金 涡轮盘 热加工图 Kumar本构模型 二次开发 组织模拟 正交设计 GH4169 alloy turbine disc processing maps Kumar constitutive equation user subroutine microstrueture evolution orthogonal design
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