
运用《内经》理论辨证论治咳嗽 被引量:5

Treat cough Base of the Theory of Internal Classic
摘要 运用中医药理论对临床常见症状——咳嗽的病因病机及治则进行了论述,着重提出咳嗽一证不能仅限于见咳止咳,单独治肺,而要寻找咳证的深层次原因,同时治疗上也要把握针对病因的治疗。较为详实读经典,指导临床。引《医学心悟》方"止嗽散""治诸般咳嗽"。结合现代医学对慢性咳嗽最常见的原因鼻后滴流综合征、咳嗽变异性哮喘及食管反流性疾病进行分析。结合临床对感冒后咳嗽运用中医药治疗介绍证治体会。 To discuss the disease causes, the pathological mechanism and the therapeutic principles in cough, which is the common syndrome in clinical medicine, on the base of TCM theory. To emphasize that the therapy of cough is not only to stop cough or treat lung,but also to explore the deep causes in cough,meanwhile,to pay an important attention to the treatment in the disease causes. Reading the old scriptures of TCM carefully will be helpful to conducting the clinical medicine of TCM. It is cited that the prescription Cough Powder'that is mentioned in Comprehension of Medicine has the function to treat various kinds of cough. By combining modern medicine, it is analyzed that Postnasal Drip Syndrome, Cough Variant Asthma and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease are the common causes in chronic cough. In addition, this paper introduces the experience of treatment determination for the case of cough after Influenza by the application of Chinese medicine treatment.
作者 尹新中
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2007年第12期2460-2461,共2页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 咳嗽 内经·素问 感冒后咳嗽 辨证论治 cough plain Questions of the Yellow Eraperor's Internal Classic postinfectious cough treatment determination based on syndrome differentiation.
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