提出将一种多工位、单个小尺度标准靶应用于对摄像机大视场进行差分标定的方法.即将小标准靶分别放置在视场的中心和四个角五个工位,利用每个工位标准靶上标准点的差分坐标对摄像机进行差分标定,分析了标准靶在物面上的位置、标定靶尺寸对标定精度的影响.在510 mm×510 mm的物面范围内,用一个140 mm×140 mm的小标准靶进行差分标定时,标定残差在18μm左右,均值为4.3μm.实验结果表明,在单场景测量中,采用多工位标准靶差分标定方法,可以实现对摄像机的高精度标定.
A camera calibration method was presented with multi-position, single calibration jig in wide view. The single calibration jig was placed at the center and the four corners of the scene area, and differential calibration could be realized with the differential coordinate of every position. The calibration precision with different positions of the calibration jig and the size of the calibration jig were also discussed. In the field of 510 min× 510 mm on object area, the differential calibration with size of 140 mm× 140 mm calibration jig was realized. The calibration residual error is less than 18 μm, and its average is 4.3 t^m. The experiment results show that high precision calibration can be achieved in the measurement of single view with differential calibration on multiple calibration positions.
camera calibration
differential calibration
error analysis