
流化床燃烧棉秆的混合特性及床料的选择 被引量:4

Mixing Properties of Cotton Stalk Burnt in Fluidized Beds and Choice of Bed Material
摘要 在0.2MW热功率的试验台上进行了燃烧试验,研究了棉秆长度、床料粒径、配比和流化速度对混合均匀程度的影响。试验结果表明:①长度10~100mm特别是50mm左右的棉秆,与中0.6~1mm床料能均匀地混合。当床料重量比为2%,在流化数为3~7时,能均匀地混合流化;但流化数大于7时,混合的均匀度稍有降低,棉秆与床料的配比对混合也有影响。②棉秆流化床燃烧宜选择弱酸性床料,不会出现烧结现象而影响床料的正常流化。 Combustion tests have been performed on a test rig of 0.2 MW thermal output. The main topics of study were the influence of stalk length, bed material' s particle size, mass percentage and fluidizing velocity on mixing uniformity. Results indicate that: ① cotton stalk of length 10 - 100 mm, especially around 50 mm, can uniformly mix and get fluidized with a bed material of grain size 0.6 - 1 mm for a weight proportion of 2 % and a fluidization number above 3. But uniformity reduces somewhat as soon as the fluidization number exceeds 7. Proportions of cotton stalk to bed material have also a certain influence on mixing. Therefore the fluidizing velocity and the static state bed height should be chosen reasonably when designing fluidizing bed boilers. ② It was found that, when firing cotton stalk in fluidizing beds, weak acidic bed materials should be chosen, and normal fluidization of the bed material will not be affected by sintering.
出处 《动力工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期943-948,共6页 Power Engineering
关键词 环境工程学 流化床燃烧 棉秆 床料 混合 碱金属 environmental engineering fluidized bed combustion cotton stalk bed material mixing alkali metal
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