

摘要 目的了解高校医护人员向学生提供性/生殖健康服务的知识、态度、能力及面临的困难,探讨如何改进满足学生性/生殖健康需求的优质服务。方法以不记名问卷方式对昆明市10所高校234名高校医护人员进行性健康服务KAP调查,并用SPSS11.0软件对结果进行统计处理。结果66.67%的被调查人员支持对大学生开展性健康优质服务,90.17%的人表示愿意积极主动给予学生帮助,但76.07%被调查者反映缺乏生殖健康相关知识,19.66%羞于开展此项服务(无男女差异)。结论在HIV高流行的云南开展性健康优质服务已势在必行;高校医护人员生殖健康服务能力急待提高。转变观念,创新服务模式,构建满足青年性/生殖健康需求多层面服务平台将是高校PHC努力的方向。 Objectives To understand doctor and nurse's knowledge,attitudes,abilities and difficulties on adolescent reproductive health on the campus,explore the method of providing suitable and acceptable health services to college students.Methods Using anonymous KAP questionnaires on reproductive health service to appraise the ability of 234 doctors and nurses of ten colleges in Yunnan province,then using the soft of SPSS 11.0 to analyze the data.Results 66.67% health providers supported to provide productive health care for college students,meanwhile 90.17% of them would like to actively help students to deal with the relative problems.However,76.07% health providers surveyed lack the relative knowledge on reproductive health care,19.66% of them reported they felt embarrassed to provide those services to students,and there is no statistically significant by gender.Conclusion It is critical to carry out the reproductive health care service for college students,and health providers on the college hospitals should improve their abilities,and explore a new service model to build up a multiple services net for adolescent reproductive health care.
出处 《中国公共卫生管理》 2007年第6期568-570,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health Management
基金 国家社会科学基金(06XSH015) 云南省教育厅科研基金(5Z0454C)资助项目
关键词 青少年 生殖健康 高校卫生 医护人员 优质服务 reproductive health service doctor and nurse college
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