
云南西部狭臀蚤属四新种记述(蚤目:多毛蚤科) 被引量:3

摘要 本文报告云南西部狭臀蚤属Steni(?)chia 4新种:1)金氏狭臀蚤,新种 S.chini sp.nov.与锐额狭臀蚤 S.angustifrontalis Xie et Gong接近;2)李氏狭臀蚤,新种 S.liae sp.nov.与金氏狭臀蚤新种和锐额狭臀蚤接近;3)柳氏狭臀蚤,新种 S.liui sp.nov.与李氏狭臀蚤新种和高山狭臀蚤S.montanis xie et Gong接近。4)吴氏狭臀蚤,新种 S.wui sp.nov.与卢氏狭臀蚤 S.lewis Smit接近。本文认论了李氏狭臀蚤新种与金氏狭臀蚤新种的形态分类及本属蚤类的宿主等生态问題,并编制本属14种的检索表。 This paper deseribes four new species of the genus Sienischia Jordan, 1932 collected in recent years from west Yunnan Province. All new species are named separately in honor of Chinese medical entomologists Profs. Chin Ta-hsiung, Li Kuei-chen, Liu Chi-ying and Wu Hou-yong, who have given instruction and encouragment to the authors for a long time. All the type specimens are deposited in the Research Institute of Epidemic Diseases of Yunnan Province.Stenischia chini sp. nov. (figs. 1-6)This new species is close to S. angustifrontalis Xie el Gong, 1983, but differs from the latter in the following characters: 1) the fromt of head being slightly wider than that of the latter, the distance from the front tubercle to oral angle being about 5/9-5/7 as the distans from oral angle to the base of the 1st spine of genal comb, but distinctly narrower than that of the members of this genus (except S. liae sp. nov. in this paper describes); 2) the 2nd-4th spines of genal comb being rounded apicaly; 3) the labial palpus is shorter, its apex not reaching the apex of fore trochanter; 4) in male, the middle part of movable process of clasper wider than its upper and lower part; 5) in female, there is one long brotle respectively below the spiracular on the 2nd-6th tergites of abdomen.Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratype 1♀, off Eothenomys eleusis, collected in March, 1983 from Mt. Zhiping (2500m), Yunlong County (25.9°N, 99.3°E); other paratype 1♂, collected in 23, June, 1986 from Mt. Ailao (2400 m), Jingdong County (24.4°N, 100.8°E) the host same with the holotype. Body length: ♂ 1.7mm; ♀2.3-2.7mm.Stenischia liae sp. nov. (figs. 7-13)This new species ♀ is related to S. angustifrontalis Xie et Gong, 1983 and S. chini sp. nov. but differs the latter two species in the following characters: 1) the basic line of genal comb is near to straight line, its 4th and 5th spines not moved forwards, and at the between both spines with a distinct space 2) the upper half (above the tooth-like projection) of posterior margin of hind coxa somewhat concave, instead atc-like protruding; 3) the orfice of head of sperma-theca with a short conical prominence.♂, unknown.Holotype ♀, paratype 1♀, off Eothcnomys elemis; other paratypes 2♀♀, off Nasillus gracilis collected in October, 1985 from Mt. Gaoligong (25.1°N, 98.7°E) (3200 m), Gonshan County. Body length: ♀ 2.4-2.7 mm.Stenischia liui sp. nov. (figs. 14-22)This new species resembles S. liae sp. nov. (merely known as female) and S. montanis Xie et Gong, 1983. It is distinguishable from the former a new species by the following characters: 1) the front part of head normal, the distance from the frontal tubercle to the oral angle longer than the oral angle to the base of 1st spine of genal comb; 2) all spines of genal comb sparsely arranged, and the spini-apies rounder; 3) the toothlike projection of posterior margin of hind coxa situated above middle point; 4) in female, the orfice of head of spermatheca without conical prominence. It could be separated from the latter a species by the following characters: 5) the genal comb, the 4th spine not wider than the 3rd spine, and with a distinct space at the between 4th. and 5th spines, the 5th spine beyond reaching the half of 4th spine; 6) in male, the apex of movable process pointed or sharper; the posterior apex of st. Ⅷ usually wider and rounder, The modified segments of female without obvious differs.Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratypes 1♂, 1♀, off Niviventer andersoni; other paratypes 1♂, 299, off Apodemus draco orester; 3♀♀, off Rattus eha; 1♂, 1♀, off Niviventer confucianur, 1♀, off Niviventer brahma, collected in 8-10, November, 1985 from Mt. Gaoligong (2700m), Lu-shui County. Body length: ♂ 2.0-2.1 mm; ♀ 2.1-2.6 mm.Stenischia wui sp. nov. (figs. 23-29)This new species is near to S. lewis Smit, 1975, but differs from the latter in the following characters; 1) the pronotal comb only with 14 spines, instead 16 spines; 2) in male, the posterior apex of st. Ⅷ wider and with a sinus at the posterior margin, the manubrium straighter, n
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 1989年第2期229-238,共10页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
关键词 狭臀蚤属 多毛蚤科 新种 Siphonaptera Hytrichopsyllidae Stenischia new species West-Yunnan
  • 相关文献


  • 1李贵真,昆虫分类学报,1987年,9卷,2期,85页
  • 2柳支英,中国动物志.昆虫纲.蚤目,1986年
  • 3解宝琦,古脊椎动物学报,1983年,8卷,2期,200页











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