Objective: To evaluate the esophahogastric varicers and its bleeding. clinical value of DTH tisse glue under the endoscopy in treating Method: Twenty - five cases of esophahogastric varicers and bleeding were treated with DTH tisse glue ( 1 - 1.5ml ) - lipiodol fluid. After one month to check, observe its bleeding checked rate and varicers removed rate. Result: Twenty - five cases have 38 needles of injec- tion, movable bleeding immediately checked rate 100%, one case death after second day with serious liver function failure to digestive duct extensive bleeding. Twenty -four cases have complicated treatment and af- terwards checked varicers removed rate 45.8% (11/24). Conclusion: Endoscopic injection of DTH tisse glue to treat esophahogastric varicers and its bleeding, bleeding checked rate and varicers removed rate is high, it reduce the rate of bleeding death and recently rebleeding. DTH tise glue -lipiodol injective treat- ment is high safe and low side effect.
Hebei Medicine