本文记述于1984年至1986年在贵州省赤水县楠竹林区蟹洞中采获的一新种蓝带蚊。为悼念已故蚊类学家孟庆华教授特命名为孟氏蓝带蚊 Uranotaenia(Pseudoficalbia)mengi新种。 本新种模式标本系1984年11月,1985年2、8月先后采自竹林区溪边的蟹洞积水。存放于贵阳医学院生物学教研室。
Uranotaenia (Pseudoficalbia) mengi sp. nov.Diagnesis: Ur. (pfc.) mengi sp. nov. of all stages, the larva is most distinctive. The multiple branched seta 5-C is rather unsual for the genus Uranotaenia and is known elsewhere only in koll, confusa, jacksoni, ohamai, stricklandi and yaeyam-ana,all of which belong to the recondita series. Among them with complete anal saddle is known only in ohamai and koli. The ohamai differs significantly from new species in the 1-A single (Bifid in new species) and the 14-P with 5-12 stout branches (16-28 branches in new species). The larva of new species is evidently closely related to koli, but striking morphological differences are still present in the all stages as shown in the table below.Type specimens: all specimens were collected from some crab holes nearly the streams in bamboo forest, Chishui County, 28°32'N, 105°42'E, Guizhou Province. Holotype ♀, allotype♂, paratype 11♀♀, 7♂♂, 21 pupal skins, 54 larvae, among which 37 larvae skins were obtained after isolated cultures in the laboratory. All type specimens are deposited in the Biology Department of the Guiyang Medical College.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Diptera Culicidae Vranoiaenta new species