
肿瘤细胞多药耐药逆转的研究进展 被引量:1

Reversal of muitidrug resistance of tumor cells
摘要 肿瘤细胞对抗癌药物的多药耐药(MDR)是导致肿瘤化学治疗失败的主要原因,寻找适用于临床的高效、低毒的多药耐药逆转方法是当前本研究领域的共同目标。随着分子生物学技术和现代医药技术的发展,有关肿瘤细胞多药耐药逆转的研究也取得了一定的进展。 Muhidrug resistance (MDR) to antitumor agents is one of the major obstacles to successful cancer chemotherapy. For this reason,the comitant aim in this research area is to find methods with high efficiecy and low toxicity to reverse MDR. Along with the development of molecular biology technology and modern medicinal technology,the investigation on reversal of MDR of tumor cells have got some progressions.
出处 《国际肿瘤学杂志》 CAS 2007年第11期822-825,共4页 Journal of International Oncology
关键词 肿瘤 抗药性 多药 Neoplasms Drug resistance,multiple
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