目的:探讨Tei指数、Macruz指数及二者联合对冠心病(CHD)患者左室收缩功能不全的诊断价值。方法:37例确诊CHD病人(CHD组)和16例冠脉造影正常者(对照组)测量Macruz指数、Tei指数和LVEF,并探讨其间关系。结果:两组间年龄无差异(P>0.05);Tei指数与LVA所测LVEF值相关(r=-0.737,P<0.01),经校正的χ2检验,χ2=0.333,P>0.05,对CHD左室收缩功能不全评价的敏感度(Se)88.2%,特异度(Sp)97.2%,Youden指数(YI)0.85。Macruz指数与LVA所测LVEF值相关(r=-0.612,P<0.01);经校正的χ2检验,χ2=1.455,P>0.05,Mac-ruz指数对CHD左室收缩功能不全评价的Se 82.4%,Sp 77.8%,YI 0.62;Tei指数联合Macruz指数对冠心病左室收缩功能不全评价的Se 97.9%,Sp 75.6%,YI 0.74。结论:Tei指数、Macruz指数是评估CHD病人左室收缩功能简单且有价值的指标,两者联合应用可提高对CHD左室收缩功能不全的诊断。
Objective:To investigate the value of Tei index and Macruz index for estimating left ventricular contract function in patients with coronary atherosclerotic heart disease(CHD). Methods: Tei index, Macruz index, Left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) were measured in 37 CHD patients and 16 healthy controls. Results: The age of two groups have no diversity (P〉0. 05). The Tei index and Macruz index in CHD group increased significantly compared with the control group (P〈0. 05,P〈0. 01). Tei index reflected the LVEF in all subjects (r=-0. 737, P〈0. 01), using correction of continuity chi-square test, χ^2 =0. 333, P〉0. 05. The sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp) and Youden index (YI) of Tei index were 88. 2%, 97. 2% and 0. 85,respectively. Macruz index reflected the LVEF in all subjects (r= -0. 612, P〈0. 01), using correction of continuity chi-square test, χ^2 =1. 455,P〉0. 05. The Se, Sp and YI of Macruz index were 82. 4%, 77.8% and 0. 62,respectively. The Se, Sp and YI of Tei index combined with Macruz index were 97.9%, 75. 6% and 0. 74, respectively. Conclusion:Tei index and Macruz index are valuable and simple for estimating left ventricular systolic functions with high sensitivity in CHD patients.
The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice