
中国的麻虻属(双翅目:虻科) 被引量:9

摘要 中国的麻虻属 Haematopota经记录清理,国内保存标本的复核,共计52种。其中包括二新种,即似中华麻虻H.sineroides sp.nov.和骚扰麻虻H.vexativa sp.nov.。认为H.pungcnsis 是H.atrata 的误定,H.annandalei是H.personata的误定。对雌性有记载的51种作了分组研究,共分11组,即白条麻虻组H.atrata group 4种;繸腿麻虻组H.cilipes group 1种;毛股麻虻组H.pilosifemura group 5种;怒江麻虻组H.lukiangensis group 1种;条带麻虻组H.lineola group 3种;沥青麻虻组H.picea group 5种;黑角麻虻组H.nigriantenna group 9种;土耳其麻虻组H.rurkestanica group 3种;中华麻虻组H.sinensis group 3种;圆胛麻虻组H.irrorara group 6种;北京麻虻组H.pekingensis group 11种。 The present paper deals with the species of the genus Haematopota collected from China. A total number of species is 52, among which 1 is new record from China and 2 are new species. The types are deposited in the Institute of Microbiology & Epidemiology, Beijing.The key to females of Hacmatopota includes 51 species, because H. famicis Stone et Philip, known only in male. 11 species groups in females are subdivided also in the key.Haematopota sineroides sp. nov. (figs. 1; 3: B)Female. Frons grayish white, about 1.3-1.5 as high as width, nearly parallel-sided; callus black, protuberant; subcallar area with large interantennal black spotting. Scape black, shiny. Scutum black with median grayish white stripe the entire length; scutellum grayish white. Di-scal cell of wing with one irrigular large white spot. Abdomen black with narrow pale in-cisures and distinct or indistinct gray middle stripe dorsally.Male. Resembles female except for usual sexual differences and scape of antenna swollen, spherical, shiny.Holotype, female, Jurong County, Jiangsu Province, 31°50’N, 119°10’E, June H, 1982. Al-lotype, male, same, but June 15, 1982. Paratypes: 1♂, 3♀♀, same, but June 14-15, 1982; 8♀♀, Taiping County, Anhui Province, June 24-25, 1983; 1♀, Yingshan County, Hubei Province, June 9, 1957;1♂, 4♀♀, Xiangyang county, Hubei Province, June 23, 1957.Close to H. sinensis Ricardo, but in the latter, body and appendages brown, scutum with three gray stripes in middle merging posteriorly to form large pale area. Discal cell of wing with 2-3 seperated pale spots (fig. 3-A), callus in female triangular, subcallus with brown interantennal spot, antenna brown in female, scape brown in male, cylindrical.Haematopota vexativa sp. nov. (figs. 2; 3: C)Female. Frons grayish yellow, height and width subequal, sides parallel; callus black with wrinkle; subcallus with pair of large triangular projections below callus; interantennal spot black; upper parafacial with small black spots. Scutum grayish black with three gray stripes in middle merging posteriorly to form large pale area; scutellum grayish white; subapical band of wing short, just across vein R4, posterior cells except usually cell 1, 4 with pale triangles in margin. Abdomen black, middorsal stripe of gray triangles on terga Ⅱ-Ⅶ.Holotype, female, Kangxian County, Gansu Province, 33°40’N, 105°30’E, Aug. 19, 1980. Paratype 3♀♀, same but Aug. 18, 1980.Near H. pekingensis (Liu, 1958), but scutellum grayish white uniformly, subcallus with pair of black, shiny triangles.
作者 许荣满
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 1989年第3期364-371,共8页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
关键词 虻科 麻虻属 检索表 Diptera Tabanidae Hoematopota new species Key to species of Haemato-pota
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  • 1王遵明,昆虫学报,1985年,28卷,4期,425页
  • 2王遵明,中国经济昆虫志,1983年
  • 3许荣满,动物分类学报,1982年,10卷,3期,285页
  • 4王遵明,西藏昆虫,1982年,2卷,173页
  • 5许荣满,中国重要医学动物鉴定手册,1982年
  • 6许荣满,动物分类学报,1980年,5卷,2期,185页
  • 7许荣满,动物学研究,1980年,1卷,3期,397页
  • 8王遵明,昆虫学报,1977年,20卷,1期,106页
  • 9刘维德,昆虫学报,1962年,14卷,1期,119页
  • 10刘维德,动物学报,1960年,12卷,1期,12页











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