6OCLC Online Computer Library Center. About OCLC. http://www.ocle. org/about/.
7Mason, Marilyn Gel. Reference revolutions. In: K. Wayne Smith ed. OCLC 1967 - 1997: Thirty Years of Furthering Access to the World' s Information. 56 - 63.
8Maciuszko, Kathleen L. OCLC : A Decade of Development, 1967 -1977. Littleton : Libraries Unlimited Inc. 1984.
9OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. OCLC Annual Report 2002/2003.
10Perry, Jemima. What the OCLC interlibrary loan service means to me. OCLC Newsletter, July/August 1999 ( 240 ) :43.