
加拿大华人移民健康状况及生活工作满意度 被引量:1

Analysis on health status as well as living and job satisfaction of Chinese immigrants in Canada
摘要 目的了解加拿大华人移民对生活、工作及健康状况的认知与评价,包括健康状况自我评价、工作及生活满意度、不满意的原因等。方法以问卷调查为主,辅以电话调查和网络通讯调查。按年龄分层抽取调查对象。结果移民健康状况自我评价不高,主要困难和不满意之处是难以找到合适工作(45.0%),生活缺乏乐趣(33.2%),看病时与医务人员交流有语言障碍(26.0%),交朋友困难(23.5%)。结论调查结果反映了加拿大华人移民对工作、生活的感知、认识与看法,反映了华人移民生活与工作的需要。对于社会各界及政府了解加拿大华人移民的生活与工作状况,完善移民相关政策具有参考价值。 Objective To understand how Chinese immigrants evaluate their health status and how they are satisfied with the living and job situation in Canada. Methods A stratified sampling design was used according to the age of the participants. A semi - structured questionnaire was distributed to the participants for their responses. All data were entered into a pre-tested MS-ACCESS database, which was later converted into SAS format for analysis. Results The main problems raised by participants were low satisfaction to the health and living status ; difficulties in finding suitable jobs, language barrier. The leading reasons for difficulties and dissatisfied things living in Canada were cannot finding a suitable job(45.0 % ), boing life (33.2 % ), language barrier(26.0 % ), hard to make friends(23.5 % ). Conclusion The results from this study are expected to have important implications in terms of how best utilizing the human resources in the Chinese population in Canada.
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1497-1498,共2页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 加拿大普通话华人联合会(NCCC)资助
关键词 华人移民 健康状况 满意度 Chinese immigrant health status satisfaction
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