
花园路径现象认知分析 被引量:3

A Cognitive Analysis of Garden Path Phenomena
摘要 "花园路径"是一个较为复杂的现象。国内外学者从许多角度对这一现象的成因作了不同的讨论。文章通过一个新角度——认知语言学里的原型范畴理论和竞争模型理论就花园路径现象的成因作了一次尝试性的分析与解读,认为:读者依据原型范畴理论和线索竞争模型理论所阐述的思路,去解读一个非原型的词项语义或非原型的句法结构或存在歧义的句子,是导致花园路径现象的根本原因。 Garden Path Phenomena are very complicated for which many scholars at home and abroad have explored the reasons from various perspectives. This paper provides a tentative explanation of how Garden Path Phenomena come into being from another new point of view, i.e. the Prototype Categorization Theory and the Cue Competition Theory and draws a conclusion that the essential reason why the Garden Path Phenomena come into being is that a reader conducts an analysis of the meaning of a word and syntactic structure of a sentence which are of non - prototype or a sentence which has different meanings following the line of thought elaborated in the Prototype Categorization Theory and the Cue Competition Theory.
作者 王云 郭智颖
出处 《四川教育学院学报》 2007年第11期66-70,共5页 Journal of Sichuan College of Education
关键词 花园路径现象 原型范畴理论 线索竞争模型理论 Garden Path Phenomena the Prototype Categorization Theory the Cue Competition Theory
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