目的探讨出封闭反应器中ClO2--I--MA化学振荡体系的振荡规律。方法采用紫外可见分光光度计在I3-的吸收峰(350 nm)处进行时间扫描,从而得到体系中I3-的浓度随时间的变化规律。结果检测到比率[ClO2-]0/[I-]0以及MA的浓度对振荡现象的影响。结论比率[ClO2-]0/[I-]0对振荡现象的产生有很大的影响,MA的浓度对振荡现象产生与否影响不大。
Objective:To research into the oscillatory rules of a closed system containing an aqueous mixture of chlorite,iodide and malonic acid.Methods: The UV spectrophotometer was used to show oscillation in the light absorbance of triiodide.Results: The influence of 0/0 and the initial concentration of malonic acid on the appearance of the oscillation was detected.Conclusion: The appearance of the oscillation depends critically on the ratio 0/ 0.The occurrence of oscillation is less sensitive to the initial concentration of malonic acid.
Journal of Taishan Medical College