
陕西省宝鸡市公众结核病防治知信行调查分析 被引量:10

Analysis on knowledge,belief and practice about tuberculosis prevention and treatment among general public in Baoji of Shanxi Province
摘要 目的了解宝鸡市公众对结核病防治知识的掌握程度和信念行为现状。方法采用多级系统抽样方法随机抽取调查对象进行问卷调查。结果共调查公众2400人,其中2212人(92.2%)知道结核病。防治知识的知晓率平均为60.3%,其中医务人员知晓率最高为92.6%,农民和学生较低分别为54.9%、51.9%,对结核病的主要症状、结核病防治机构及治疗管理政策知晓率分别为56.8%、45.0%、43.9%;对结核病人的态度有54.7%的人是"尽量保持距离";获得结核病防治知识信息来源,"听别人说的"占64.0%,来自电视、传单、报纸、宣传栏、广播的分别占58.0%、36.8%、33.8%、29.5%、22.8%;公众对结核病防治知识、信念、行为状况与职业、城乡、文化程度等因素有关。结论宝鸡市结核病健康促进工作的重点应放在农村,把学生、农民、商业/服务业、工人作为宣传的重点对象。宣传的内容应以防治的基本知识、治疗管理政策等为重点,充分发挥人际传播和电视宣传等在结核病相关防治知识的传播中的主渠道作用。 Objective To investigate the knowledge, belief and practice about tuberculosis prevention and treatment among general public in Baoji. Methods Questionnaire survey was conducted among the subjects that selected from general public in Baoji by multistage random sampling. Results The total of 2400 persons were investigated, 2212 (92.2%) of them ever heard of tuberculosis. Average knowledge awareness rate was 60.3%, and the awareness rate of medical staffs was the highest (92.6 % ), whiled the rate of farmers and students were lower, 54.9 % and 51.9 % respectively. The average awareness rate of knowledge about symptom, medical treatment institution and policy were 56.8 %, 45.0 %, 43.9 % respectively. 54.7 % of the respondents held the attitude of "keep distance from tuberculosis" . 64.0 % obtained relative knowledge from others, 58.0% from TV, 36.8% from handbill, 33.8% from newspaper, 29.5% from bulletin board, and 22.8 % from broadcasts. The knowledge, belief and practice about tuberculosis prevention and treatment among general public were associated with occupational, areas and education levels. Conclusion Health promotion in tuberculosis prevention and control should be focused on population of rural areas, farmers, students, employee of business services and workers. Basic knowledge and policies should be popularized as core information. Interpersonal media and TV should plays more important role in popularizing knowledge about tuberculosis prevention and treatment in the future.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2007年第9期643-645,670,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
关键词 结核 知识、信念、行为 知晓率 Tuberculosis Knowledge, belief and practice Awareness rate
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