

Prediction of ESAL Based on Rated Carrying Capacity and Enforcement Intensity
摘要 建立了无超载情况下典型货运车辆的车辆总质量分布模型,并根据超载执法力度对该模型进行修正,得到了基于额载质量限制和管制力度的车辆总质量分布模型.在同类型车辆之间车辆总质量分布模型置换的基础上,结合轴载分布系数,完成了车辆总质量分布到轴载分布的转换,并结合轴载换算公式,得到了各同类车型单车标准当量轴次(ESAL)模型.该ESAL模型与已有计算模型的不同之处在于,考虑了额载质量限制和执法力度对ESAL计算的影响,包含了参照车辆和目标车辆间总质量分布模型的转换,避免了为众多不同车型构造不同的模型. Abstract: A GVWD (gross vehicle weight distribution) model for a typical type of trucks under a non-overloading condition was set up. Furthermore, this model was revised based on the enforcement intensity of overloading to gain a GVWD model based on rated carrying capacity limitation and regulation strength. On the basis of the axle load distribution coefficient and the GVWD model conversions among the same type of trucks, the GVWD model was transformed into an axle load distribution model. Finally, an ESAL (equivalent standard axle load) model was proposed for the same type of trucks by considering the axle load conversion expressions. This ESAL model is different from an ordinary ESAL model--in the proposed ESAL model, the rated carrying capacity limitation and the regulation strength are taken into account, and the GVWD model conversions between reference and target trucks are considered so as to avoid establishing different models for different types of trucks.
出处 《西南交通大学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期753-757,共5页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50708020) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2007566) 世界银行安徽公路研究项目Ⅱ
关键词 车辆总额载质量 管制力度 标准当量轴次 车辆总质量 effective GVW (gross vehicle weight) limit enforcement intensity equivalent standardaxle load (ESAL) gross vehicle weight
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