

Superplasticity of a sheet Al-5.3Cu-0.8Mg-0.6Ag alloy at elevated temperature
摘要 研究了Al-5.3Cu-0.8Mg-0.6Ag合金板在温度400℃~520℃以及应变速率1×10^-4s^-1~1×10^-1s^-1下的超塑性变形能力及其变形机制。结果显示,轧制态的Al-5.3Cu-0.8Mg-0.6Ag合金在500℃及应变速率5×10^-4s^-1时的最大延伸率为320%,应变速率敏感系数达到0.58。高应变速率下超塑性变形过程中主要机制为晶界滑动,协调机制则是空洞的形核长大与断裂。 Superplastic behavior and deformation mechanism of the sheet Al - 5.3Cu - 0.8Mg - 0.6Ag alloy was investigated at temperatures ranging 400℃ ~ 520℃ and strain rates ranging 1 × 10^- 4s^- 1 ~ 1 × 10^- 1s^- 1. Rolled Al - 5.3Cu - 0.8Mg - 0.6Ag alloys obtained excellent superplasticity with the maximum elongation - to- failure of 320% at 500℃ and strain rate of 5 × 10^-4s^-1, and the strain rate sensitivity exponent is high up to 0.58. The dominant deformation mechanism in high strain rates is grain boundary sliding, while the main accommodating mechanism is cavity nucleation, growth and fracture.
出处 《轻金属》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期50-54,共5页 Light Metals
基金 973国家重点基础研究发展规划(G2005CB623704)
关键词 Al-5.3Cu-0.8Mg-0.6Ag合金 超塑性 变形机制 显微组织 Al - Cu - Mg - Ag alloy superplasticity deformation mechanism microstructure
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