
三效催化转化器老化过程预测及数值仿真 被引量:6

Prediction and numerical simulation of the aging process of three-way catalytic converter
摘要 基于三效催化转化器的老化机理,提出了老化过程的预测方法。然后将老化机理与化学反应机理相结合,建立包含老化过程的三效催化转化器反应模型,并进行数值仿真,得到三效催化转化器载体温度及氧浓度沿载体轴向的分布特性,最后计算得出预测三效催化转化器老化过程的主要参数以及老化前后转化效率的变化,并与实验值进行比较。 Based on the aging mechanism of the three-way catalytic converter, the method of predicting the deterioration process of three-way catalytic converter was put forward. Then the reaction model including aging process of three-way catalytic converter was created by combining deterioration mechanism and chemical reactions. The numerical simulation followed. The distribution of axial temperature and oxygen concentration of the monolith were gained by numerical simulation. At last, the main parameters of predicting aging process of threeway catalytic converter and the changing of conversion rate before and after aging were obtained. Moreover, the simulation results were compared with the test results.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期100-104,共5页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 湖南省科技攻关基金资助项目(湘科技[2002]87号)
关键词 三效催化转化器 老化预测 建模 数值仿真 three-way catalytic converter aging prediction modeling numerical simulation
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