The polarographie behaviour of ayocompound formed MBTH with O- isopropenyl- phenol of Etrofolan hydrolysate in the boron-hydroxide-NaOH- EDTA sestem at the potential of- 0. 35V(Vs. S. C. E)has been studied. The sensitivity and stability has been in-creased by the addition of ethanal(1 + 1). The method is hight sensitive. It is higher ten times that colorimetry. The Peak current wasdirectty proportional concentration of Etrofolan in the range of 0.04 - 1. 5ppm. The ralative standard deviation and recovery is 4. 1%and 96% ~ 99. 2% respectively. The method is simple and reproducible. it gives almost the same resultsas those of the colorimetry.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology