In this paper the existence and nonexistence of non-trivial solution for the Cauchy problem of the form{ut=div(|Δ↓u|^p-2Δ↓u)-偏d/偏dxibi(u)-uq u(x,0)=0 (x,t)∈ST=R^N×(0,T),x∈R^N/{0}are studied. We assume that |bi′(s)|≤ Ms^m-1, and proved that if p〉2,0〈q〈p-1+p/N,0≤m〈p-1+p/N,then the problem has a solution;if P〉2,q〉P-1+p/N,0≤m≤q(p+Np-N-1)/p+nP-N,then the problem has no solution;if p〉2,p-1〈q〈p-1+p/N,0≤m〈q,then the problem has a very singular solution;if p〉2,q〉p-1+p/N,0〈m〈q-p/2N,then the problem has no very singular solution.we use P.D.E.methods such as regularization, Moser iteration and Imbedding Theorem.