The synchronous buck circuit is in widespread use to provide high current ,low voltage power for CPU's, chipsets,peripherals etc.Typically,it is used to convert supply from a 12V or 5V,to an outputs as low as 0.7V for low voltage CPUs made in sub-micron technologies.The majority of the power losses in the conversion process is the losses in the power MOSFET switches.The profiles of loss for the high-side and low-side MOSFET are quite different.These low output voltage converters have low duty cycles, and the majority of the conduction loss concentrates in the low-side MOSFET. For the high side MOSFET,the loss is caused by the switches,named the switching loss.At the end of the thesis,we use the formulas and conclusion drawn before to calculate the loss of the CPU circuit on the server board,which will be compared to the test results in order to validate the correctness.
Power Electronics