本文重新研究了蝽科碧蝽属 Palomena Muls.et Rey的亚洲东部种类,共记述13个种。其中包括5个新种:肖氏碧蝽 P.hsiaoi sp.n.,邻碧蝽 P.similis sp.n.,西藏碧蝽 P.tibetana sp.n.,印度碧蝽 P.indica sp.n.,阿萨密碧蝽 P.assamensis sp.n.;前3种模式产地为中国,后2种模式产地为印度。在险查模式标本的基础上,提出一项新异名关系:即 P.amplificata Distant 1880为P.vuridissima(Poda)1761的次异名。并指出 P.unicolorella Kirdaldy的已有中国记录实指P.haemorrhoidalis Lindberg的一个变型。证实萧等(1977)P.prasina(L.)的中国记录为P.tibetanasp.n.的误订,而China(1925)的prasina中国记录可能实指其他种类。
13 East Asiatic species of Palomena are dealt with in this revisional paper, including 5 new species and a new synonymy. Details of genitalia are figured.1. Palomena viridissima (Poda 1761) (figs. 1-8)=Palomena amplificata Distant 1880, syn. nov. (syntypes 1♂1♀ (British Museum) examined).2. Palomena angulosa (Motschulsky 1861) (figs. 9-15, 39)Identification compared with homotypes in Leningrad Museum. Checked distribution in China: Heilunjiang and Jilin Provinces.3. Palomena haemorrhoidalis Lindberg 1934 (figs. 16-24, 37-38) Holotype ♂ (Stockholm Museum) examined.The lateral angle of pronotum slender and strongly produced in Yunnan and Burma specimens (fig. 37), closely resembling and easily confusing with P. unicolorella. Checked distribution: S. W. & N. China, Nepal, Burma.4. Palomena limbata Jakovlev 1904 (figs. 25-33) Identification compared with homotypes in Leningrad Museum.5. Palomena hsiaoi Zheng et Ling, sp. nov. (figs. 40, 41-46)Palomena angulosa Hsiao et al 1977 (nec Motschuisky), Handb. Determ. Chinese Hem. -Het. I: 142.Body relatively robust. Antero-lateral margin of pronotum pushing forward (fig. 40). Outlines of pygofer close to viridissima, but the top margin of transverse ridge in genital chamber moderately wavy (fig. 43), not straight; dorsal conjunctival lobe of phallus simple, not bifurcate, dorsal ramus of lateral conjunctival lobe with its sclerotized apex sharp and hooked (fig. 45). Body length ♂ 12mm, ♀ 13.3-14 mm.Holotype ♂, China: Jiangxi Province (Mr., Lu-shan 29°30’N, 115°55’E), 1957. Ⅻ. 24. Paratypes 3♂♂ 8♀♀, China: Zhejiang and Jiangxi Provinces (all kept in Nankai University).6. Palomena similis Zheng et Ling, sp. nov. (fig. 47-54)Antennal segment Ⅱ distinctly longer than Ⅲ. Pronotum similar to P. viridissima, but the top margin of transverse ridge in genital chamber strongly curvate medially (fig. 53); branches of the bifurcate dorsal conjunctival lobe rather long, dorsal ramus of lateral conjunc-tival lobe more slender (fig. 51). Body length: ♂ 13.3mm, ♀ 15mm.Holotype ♂ & paratypes 1♂1♀, China: Sichuan Province (Li-xian, 31°40’N, 102°35’E), 1984. Ⅶ. 26. (all kept in Nankai Univ.).7. Palomena tibetana Zheng et Ling, sp. nov. (figs. 36, 55-61)Paloment prasina Hsiao et al 1977 (nec Linnaeus), Handb. Determ. Chinese Hem. -Het. Ⅰ: 142.Antennal segment Ⅱ subequal to Ⅲ. Lateral angle of pronotum as in fig. 36. Outlines of pygofer as in figs. 59 & 60. Transverse ridge in genital chamber sharp-angled subapically (fig. 56). Apical lobe of clasper slender and narrowly tapered (fig. 58). Dorsal conjunctival lobe globular, simple; dorsal ramus of lateral conjunctival lobe short and broadly truncate (fig. 61). Body length: ♂ 12.7mm, ♀ 14mm.Holotype ♂, China: Xizang Autom. Reg. (Chayu, 28°30’N, 97°30’E), 1973. Ⅶ. 8. Paratypes 2♀♀, China: Xizang Autom. Reg. (all kept in Nankai Univ.).8. Palomena prasina (Linnaeus 1761) (fig. 62-68)Hsiao el al’s Chinese record (1977) is a misidentification of P. tibetana sp. nov. China (1925) recorded prasina in Yunnan (S. W. China), but we have tried in vain to find this species in this country up to now. The figures presented in this paper are based on dissections of European material.9. Palomena unicolorella Kirkaldy 1909 (figs. 34-35, 69-75)Pentatoma unicolor Westwood 1837 (holotype ♂ (Oxford Museum) examined). Epagathus chapana Distant 1921 (syntype 1♀ (British Museum) examined).Checked distribution: India.The Chinese records of 'unicolorella' (Hsiao et al (1977), China (1925)) are here proved to be misidentifications of the long pronotal-angled form of P. haemorroidalis Lindb.. As the syntype of Epagathus chapana Dist. examined is a female, no comments can be made here concerning the synonymy of E. chapana with unicolorella by China (1925).10. Palomena reutri Distant 1879 (figs. 76-83) Syntype 1♀ (British Museum) examined. Checked distribution: India, Pakistan.11. Palomena indica Zheng et Ling, sp. nov. (figs. 84-88)Body relatively small, habitus close to P. reuteri, Antennal segment Ⅱ subequal to Ⅲ. Lateral angle of pronotum s
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Hemiptera Pentatomidae Palomena new species