
胚胎干细胞嵌合体小鼠的制备及其影响因素 被引量:4

Generation of mouse chimeras from embryonic stem cell and influencing elements involved
摘要 胚胎干细胞(ES cell)嵌合体制备在发育生物学,功能基因组学等研究领域发挥越来越重要的作用。其技术本身随着干细胞生物学,体细胞核移植技术进步而不断发展。但其制备过程受ES细胞,宿主囊胚遗传背景、生存状态及嵌合体制备程序等诸多因素影响,导致ES细胞嵌合体的制备程序颇为复杂。本文将对ES细胞嵌合体小鼠制备技术的最新进展作一综述。 Generation of chimeras from embryonic stem (ES) cell is increasingly important in the fields of developmental biology and functional genome study. This technology has progressed rapidly with development of the theory of stem cell biology and the technology of nuclear transfer. However, the generation of chimeras from ES cell has been influenced by the genetic background of ES cell, host blastocyst and the procedure of obtaining chimeras. In this review, we would discuss the progress in the technology system of generation of chimeras and influencing elements involved.
作者 白照岱 沈和
出处 《生殖医学杂志》 CAS 2007年第6期444-447,共4页 Journal of Reproductive Medicine
关键词 胚胎干细胞 嵌合体 小鼠 Embryonic stem cell Chimeras Mouse
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