
社会支持网络研究——对大连社区公共服务社的实证分析 被引量:6

A Research on the Society-supported Network-a Case Study on the Public Service Corporations in Dalian's Communities
摘要 城市贫困问题、弱势群体问题随着经济体制转轨、产业结构调整、分配模式改变而日趋引起社会的广泛关注。本文从实证研究角度着手,选取了大连市推广的由街道办事处和社区居委会规划组织,由领取最低生活保障津贴但尚有一定劳动能力的下岗失业人员参加的社区公共服务社(PSC)这个社会保障运行的微观视角,对社区公共服务社的发展情况做出客观的评价和理论上的探讨、分析,发现PSC在运行过程中的问题和发展困境,以期将这项研究分析提出的建议转化为决策依据,为辽宁等老工业基地和全国广大城市社区解决类似问题提供借鉴。事实证明,在后福利时代社会保障发展取向上,注重多元主体的、网络性的、社区化的、福利倾向的社会保障制度更适合我国国情。 With the transition of China's economic system, the adjustment of industrial structure and the change in the income distribution pattern, the problems of urban poverty and the disadvantaged group have arrested wide public attention. Starting from the aspect of a case study, selecting as our micro perspective the operation of the social security organizations called 'the Public Service Collectives'(PSC) that have been mapped out and organized by the sub-district office and the community committee and popularized by the Dalian municipal government and that have been participated in by the laid-off workers who have received the minimum living subsidies and who still have working ability, we have objectively evaluated and theoretically probed into and analyzed the development of PSC and found out that the problems and predicament in the process of its operation, in the expectation that the suggestions offered by the result of this study of ours will become the foundation of the related decision-making and that the result of our study will provide reference to the original industrial bases such as Liaoning and to many cities of China for the resolution of similar problems. The facts show that, in terms of orientation, in the development of social security in the post-welfare-era, giving priority to the social security system with a pluralistic main body and that is something like a network and is community-ized and that has a tendency to welfare system, is more suitable for China than otherwise.
作者 张敏
机构地区 东北财经大学
出处 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第12期48-57,共10页 Journal of Management World
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