针对基于ArcGIS Server开发的Web应用问题,在结合数据库管理模型的基础上,利用ArcGIS Server.NET ADF和ArcObjects组件开发Web应用系统。首先对ArcGIS Server、ArcObjects组件及其相关技术进行了阐述,接着详细说明了基于ArcGIS Server开发Web应用的解决方法和技术流程,最后给出该方法在产品与工程管理系统中的应用实例。
To settle the problem of the Web application using the ArcGIS Server a method about how to develop the Web application system on the ArcGIS Server . Net ADF and ArcObjects modules with the database management is proposed. The techniques of the ArcGIS Server and ArcObjects components with their implementation are explained. Some application examples in the Products and Projects' management system are given.
Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology