
特高压线路外绝缘设计软件的污耐压算法 被引量:5

Pollution Withstand Voltage Algorithm of External Insulation Design Software for UHV Overhead Line
摘要 随着输电架空线路的电压等级不断提高,外绝缘设计成为建设特高压工程的关键问题。为了开发出一套功能完善的特高压输电线路外绝缘设计软件,研究了外绝缘设计方法并转化成可行的软件算法。在绝缘子污耐压特性研究的基础上,重点研究了污耐压法作为一种算法在进行外绝缘设计时所需考虑的问题,主要是盐密、灰密、污秽不均匀以及海拔等多因素对绝缘子闪络电压的影响和修正问题,并探讨了污耐压法的计算步骤,确定了污耐压法作为一种算法进行外绝缘设计的规则以及具体的实现过程。 In order to develop a full-featured external insulation design software for ultra-high voltage transmission t lines, researehing the external insulation design methods and turning to praetieal software algorithms are the key points for the software development. The speeifie ereepage distanee method and pollution withstand voltage method are three eommonly used methods of external insulation design in China. Eaeh of the methods has the advantages and its limitations. Taking pollution withstand voltage method as the software algorithm, this paper deeply researehes the influenee and eorreetion on insulators' flashover voltage from variant faetors whieh should be eonsidered in the external insulation design. The relationships between the insulators' flashover voltage and the faetors ineluding salt deposit density, non soluble deposit density, ehemieal eomponents of salt deposit, uniformity of the pollution deposit, high altitude, iee eoating, profile of insulator and suspension mode, ere. are elaborated as well as the ealeulation proeess of the method is also studied. Based on these studies, the implementation proeesses of the software algorithm are put forward. In addition, the seleetion and dimension of eomposite insulators in ultra-high voltage overhead line whieh are the key proeesses in the algorithm are stressed.
出处 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期23-26,32,共5页 High Voltage Engineering
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划重大项目(2006BAA02A21)~~
关键词 特高压 输电线路 外绝缘设计软件 算法 污耐压法 污闪 ultra-high voltage transmission line external insulation design software algorithm pollution withstand voltage method pollution flashover
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