
双电源交错备用型通用电能质量控制器 被引量:3

Dual-power-supply Alternate Backup Type of Generalized Power Quality Controller
摘要 传统的通用电能质量控制器(GPQC)直流侧如果没有储能装置,则无法实现不间断供电;即使直流侧装设储能装置,蓄电池储能或超级电容器储能都存在补偿时间、补偿容量及使用寿命均有限等问题。为此提出了一种由两个并联变换器和两个串联变换器构成(每一个并联变换器和串联变换器都通过一个直流电容交错的连接在一起)的新双电源交错备用型通用电能质量控制器(DPS-GPQC)和一种简单有效的控制策略。DPS-GPQC能够同时补偿电网谐波电压、电压跌落和上升、电压中断、三相电压不平衡、谐波电流及无功电流,且能够实现两个不同电源之间能量的交错备用。基于MATLAB/SIMULINK的仿真结果表明了DPS-GPQC良好的性能和所提控制策略的有效性。因此,所提结构既能同时解决两个不同系统的大多数电能质量问题,又可以有效提高电力系统的供电可靠性。 The conventional generalized power quality controller (GPQC) cannot compensate the voltage interruption if it has no energy storage in the dc link. Even if it has energy storage in the dc link, no matter storage cell or super capacitor, their compensation time, compensation capacity and serve life are limited. A new dual-power-supply alternate backup generalized power quality controller (DPS-GPQC) is proposed in order to overcome the disadvantages of the conventional GPQC in this paper, which consists of two shunt converters and two series converters, the shunt converters are connected alternately to the series converters through a dc link. The proposed system like the conventional GPQC can compensate harmonics voltage, three-phase voltage unbalance, harmonics current and reactive power current. Based on double-source alternate backup, additional features of the proposed system are as follows, DPS-GPQC can realize the power alternate backup among different sources, and provide uninterrupted power supply,thereby improve power system reliability effectively; DPS-GPQC can compensate voltage sag and swell in depth because the power of compensating voltage is from the other source, and compensation time and compensation capacity are improved, also the serve life is prolonged. In addition, a simple effective control scheme is also proposed. The proposed control scheme is that the series inverter operates as a voltage source to compensate harmonic voltage, voltage sag and swell, three-phase voltage unbalance and voltage interruption. The shunt inverter operates as a current source to compensate harmonic current and reactive power current. The operation of the proposed system was verified through simulations based on the proposed control scheme. The simulation results based on MATLAB/ SIMULINK are presented to verify the good performance of the proposed system and the feasibility of the proposed control scheme. Therefore, the proposed system not only solves the most of power quality problems from two different systems, but also improves power supply reliability of power system effectively.
出处 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期123-127,共5页 High Voltage Engineering
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-04-0710)~~
关键词 双电源 交错备用 电能质量 电压中断 三相电压不平衡 不间断供电 dual-power-supply alternate backup power quality voltage interruption three-phase voltage unbalance uninterrupted power supply
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