
一种基于模糊约束的多并发双边自动协商模型 被引量:4

Fuzzy constraint-based model for multiple concurrent bi-lateral negotiations
摘要 为了获取所需的资源或服务,消费者可以同时与多个资源或服务的提供者进行双边协商,从中选择最令自己满意的交易,针对此类应用背景提出了一个基于模糊约束的多并发双边协商模型。在此模型中,消费者的需求和偏好被表示为模糊约束,可采用三种基于带优先级的模糊约束满足问题(PFCSP)的协商策略评估协商对手的提议并做出提议和反提议,同时设计了不同的协调策略来协调多个并发的协商线程。最后通过实验验证了协商的有效性,并分析比较了各种不同的协商策略和协调策略。 To obtain a particular resource or service, consumer may engage in multiple concurrent bi-lateral negotiations with several providers for a most satisfied deal. A fuzzy constraint-based model was developed for this multiple concurrent negotiations. In this model, the consumers' requirements and preferences were expressed by fuzzy constraints, and they could adopt three negotiation strategies based on the idea of PFCSP ( Prioritized Fuzzy Constraints Satisfaction Problem) to evaluate the proposals from their opponents or made counter-proposals themselves. In addition, different coordination strategies were designed to coordinate multiple bi-lateral negotiation threads. At last, the validity of the model was experimentally verified and varieties of negotiation strategies and coordination strategies were compared.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期2906-2909,2912,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 西南大学青年基金资助项目(SWUQ2006011)
关键词 协商 AGENT 模糊约束 协商策略 协调策略 negotiation Agent fuzzy constraint negotiation strategy coordination strategy
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