
中国迈实蝇属的新种和新纪录(双翅目:实蝇科) 被引量:1

摘要 本文记述中国迈实蝇属 Myoleia Rondani的4个新种:离带迈实蝇M.discreta sp.nov.狭斑迈实蝇 M.angusta sp.nov.,异迈实蝇 M.diversa sp.nov.,川迈实蝇M.chuanensis sp.nov.;并报道4个中国新纪录种,即双楔迈实蝇M.radiata Hardy(中国:云南;老挝),对距迈实蝇M.ravida Hardy(中国:云南;老挝,泰国),黄足迈实蝇M.serigera Hardy(中国:云南;泰国),缅甸迈实蝇M.nigroscutellata(Hering)(中国:北京、河北、四川;缅甸)。 The present paper deals with eight species of the genus Myoleja Rondani from China, in which four species are described as new to scier.ce and four species are recorded for the first time in this country. The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.Myoleja discrete sp. nov. (fig. 1)This new species closely related to M. alboscutellatus, but differs from the latter in the scutellum entirely yellow; the 2nd costal cell with two hyaline wedges; the narrow brown band along the crossvein m-cu and ending in front of the vein mHz, not connected with costal brown streak and both interrupted in cell R5. Also resembles to M. diajuncta, but the latter with vein r2+3 very short, ending approximately opposite the crossvein r-m and the 4th costal section shorter than the 3rd (stigma); the brown band over crossvein m-cu extending to vein r4+5 and jointed with the median brown marking of wing.Length: body 4.8 mm; wing 5.0 mm.Holotype ♂, Jingdong (24°N, 100°E), Yunnan, 1250m, 13. Ⅲ. 1957, by D. Panfilov.Myoleja angusta sp. nov. (fig. 2)The new species is similar to M. electa (Hcring) from Burma, but is differentiated by the median brown marking of wing with a very narrow portion extending from the lower half of cell Cu1 to hind margin; the hyaline wedge in cell R1 wider and lacking hyaline spot in cell R; cell 1M2 entirely brown; crossvein r-m situated in the apical 1/3 of cell 1M2; scutellum dark yellow, scattering many tany brown spots on the dorsal surface.Length: body 6.0 mm; wing 6.2 mm.Holotype 9, Mt. Emei (29°N, 103°E), Sichuan, 1800-2000 m, 18. Ⅷ. 1957, by Zhu Fu-xing.Myoleja diversa sp. nov. (fig. 3)This species is resembles to M. radiata Hardy from Laos, but is readily differentiated by the front broader; the dorsum and apex of scutellum black expect for the lateral margins yellow; femora and hind tibia black; the basal hyaline area of wing rather wide extending about 1/3 the length of wing; cubital cell hyaline except for the lower distal angle brown, the basal 4/5 of 2nd costal cell and the basal 5/6 of cell M hyaline; cell 1M2 with 3 hyaline spots.Length: body 5.5-6.0mm; wing 6.0-6.5mm.Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, Mt. Gongga (29°N, 101°E), Sichuan, 2500m, 8. Ⅵ. 1983, by Chen Yuan-qing; paratype 1♀, same as above, 9, Ⅵ. 1983, by Wang Shu-yong. Mgoleja chuanensis sp. nvo. (fig. 4)Closely related to M. superflucta, but is distinguished by having the front broader, equal in width to eye; stigma longer than the half of 2nd costal cell and the apical portion narrowed; the first costal cell hyaline, the 2nd with a large hyaline mark in middle, rather than the costal cell entirely brown; crossvein r-m situated in the apical 1/3 of cell 1M2, rather than in the apical 2/5 of cell 1M2.Length: body 6.5-6.8 mm; wing 6.8-7.0 mm.Holotype ♀, Mt. Emei (29°N, 103°E), Sichuan, 550-570 m, 6. Ⅶ. 1957, by Wang Zong-yuan; paratype 1♀, same as above, 1800 m, 7. Ⅵ. 1957, by Zheng Le-yi and Cheng Han-hua.Myoleja radiata Hardy, 1973New record from China: Yunnan (Xishuangbanna).Myoleja ravida Hardy, 1973New record from China: Yunnan (Xishuangbanna).Myoleja setigera Hardy, 1973New record from China: Yunnan (Xishuangbanna).Myoleja nigroscutellata (Hering 1938)New record from China: Beijing (Badaling), Hebei (Wulingshan), Sichuan (Mt. Emei, Dege, Maerkang).
作者 汪兴鉴
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 1989年第4期457-463,共7页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
关键词 实蝇科 迈实蝇属 新种 Diptera Tephritidae Myaleja new species
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  • 1Chen S H,Sinensia,1948年,18卷,1期,69页
  • 2Zia Y,Sinensia,1939年,10卷,1期,1页
  • 3Zia Y,Sinensia,1938年,9卷,1页









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