Intrigued by the first lawsuit of IP/WTO, this text focus on the strength problem of criminal protection in IP industry between China and the US. Author given a comprehensive analysis on the cause of lawsuit and the differences between the two countries' s judicial mechanisms, and firmly based on the evaluate and mensuration of integration about the strength protection in IP industry between the two countries, and think that the strength of protection are roughly equal, however, few aspects of it (e.g. punishment strength) might show more stronger in the US than in China. The US take a emphasis on the judicial protection, whereas China takes a full protection ranging from administratve law to criminal law and civil law. Chinese administrative ptmishrnent is considered as punishment for misdemeanor in the US. Even though this fact is so, having taken account of the state's long- term interests, social stableness and international environment, Author still suggeste that China constitute a misdemeanor system by reasonably resolving the unreasonable situations of Chinese long - time existed punishment system through partly adjusting the mechanism of legislation and justice.
China Legal Science