本文记述采自我国广东省的柱蠓属 Stilobezzia Kiffer,二新种:毛背柱蠓 St.hertaterga sp.nov和普通柱蠓 St.vulgaris sp.nov.。各以其雌虫受精囊、雄虫尾器等形态特征区别于已知种。
1. Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) hirtaterga sp. nov.FemaleEyes narrowly separated. Maxillary palpus without sensory pore. AR 1.77. Mandible with 7 teeth, as figur 3: c, clypeus with 6 setae.Thorax Yellow-green with scutal pattern (fig. l:a) as figured. Wing about 1.3mm. long, 3 prominent brown spots anteriorly, without macrotrichia.Legs pale yellow-greenish, hind femur with brown band. Strong ventral spines present on V tarsomere of fore and mid legs, TR 2.28 in hind.Abdomen color yellow-green with dorsal pattern of intense daek brown marking and ge-nital sclerotization as in figure 3:b, e. Spermathecae 2 functional oval subequal with short slender necks, 1 rucimentary.MaleSimilar to the female, with the usual sexual differnce, including features of the abdominal tenra (fig. L:c), TR 2.0 in hind leg, genitalia as in figure 3:f.Holotype ♀, allotype ♂, paratype 7♀♀, 7♂♂, collected from the campus of The First Military Medical College of PLA, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province on 25.V.1985.This species is somewhat allied to St. (Sr.) festiva Kieffer and St. (St.) pseud of estiva Das Gupta et Wirth but different in the genitalia and dorsal pattern in abdomen of male and female.2. Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) vulgaris sp. nov.7 teeth, clypeus with 2 short spines. Wing about 0.98 mm. long, without brown spots and macrotrichia. TR 2.37 in hind leg.Spermathecae as in fig. 4:c. unequal, the larger oval, the smaller orange-like, and 1 rudimentary.Male Dark brown. Palpus slender, much longer than proboscis. AR 1.7. Fore leg with femur and tibia paler than on other legs. Claws snail, slightly curved, equal with bifid tips. Genitalia as fig. 4:f, aedcagus with a pair of slighly curved sclerites.Holotype ♀, allotype c♂, paratype 2♂♂, collected from the campus of Zhongshan Univer-city, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, on 18 Ⅴ. 1985.This species is somewhat allied to Stilobezzia (Slilobezzia) cross de Meillon et Wirth and Stilobezzia (Stitobezzia) isthmostheca Das Gapta and Wirth, but distinctly differently in wing and legs without spots, AR and shape of aedeagus.All types of the 2 new species are deposited in the Institute of Microbiology and Epice-miology, Academy Military Medical Sciences, Beijing.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Diptera Ceratopogomdae Stilobezzia new species