Objective To investigate high risk symptoms before cardiac arrest in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) patients, in order to provide the diagnostic and treating basis for the first aid of the patients with possible cardiac arrest. Methods One hundred ninety - four CPR patients were include in the research, their clinical data, including the basic diseases, the com- plaint, symptoms and signs before cardiac arrest, were investigated retrospectively. Results The basic internal diseases accoun- ted foUrthe overwhelming majority (89. 18% ), the total CPR successful ratio for all patients was 6. 70%. In basic internal disea- ses, there were almost 40. 46% patients whose cardiac arrest suddenly attacks and with no available complaints, and in the pa- tients with available complaints, dyspnea and suffocation were the most frequent, and chest pain and palpitation were the next. In patients with dyspnea and suffocation as the complaint the main basic diseases were respiratory system, and in patients with chest pain and palpitation as the complaint the main basic diseases were circulatory system. Conclusion Sudden attack with no obvi- ously available complaints is the most common in cardiac arrest. In patients with available complaints, dyspnea and suffocation are the highest risk symptoms, and chest pain, palpitation and dizziness are the next.
Chinese General Practice
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Cardiac arrest
High risk symptoms