
退休年龄、教育年限与社会保障 被引量:46

Schooling,Retirement,and Social Security
摘要 在本文中,我们用养老金的缴纳费率和养老金替代率代表社会保障制度,采用有限生命预期的连续时间状态代际交叠模型作为基本框架,分析了社会保障制度对消费者接受教育的年限、退休年龄、工作年限的选择、GDP增长率和利率的影响。同时,我们还分析了消费者的预期寿命对个体消费者接受教育的年限、退休年龄、工作年限的选择以及对社会保障制度的影响。 In a continuous-time overlapping generation model schooling, and retirement, this paper analyzes the effects of social choices of schooling time, working time, and retirement decision. We with social security, security on individual show that the rate of growth increases.with higher social security tax rates. The effects of life expectancy on individual schooling time and retirement decision are also reexamined. Finally, the effect of life expectancy on the determination of social security has been investigated. We show that the government can reduce the social security tax rate as life expectancy increases.
出处 《经济学(季刊)》 2007年第1期211-230,共20页 China Economic Quarterly
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