
热塑性装饰材料点燃性能研究 被引量:3

Study on Ignition of Thermoplastic Linings
摘要 利用锥形量热仪研究了典型热塑性装饰材料的点燃性能,并利用数值模拟结合线性回归方法导出了适合热中型材料的点燃模型。利用此模型对实验得到的点燃时间进行了分析,得到了材料的临界热辐射通量、点燃温度与热物性参数,结果表明研究得到的材料热辐射通量与点燃温度、点燃时间和文献中给出的值比较吻合,导出的模型具有较好的适用性。 Cone calorimeter was employed to study the ignitability of common thermoplastics, and the numerical and linear regression methods were used to deduce the ignition model for intermediate thermal thickness. Then the ignition time data was analyzed with the deduced model to get the critical heat flux, ignition temperature and thermal properties for the studied materials. The results showed that the deduced critical heat flux and ignition temperatures agreed well with those from literature, which indicated that the model is applicable.
出处 《中国工程科学》 2007年第12期39-43,52,共6页 Strategic Study of CAE
基金 国家重点基础研究专项经费资助(2001CB409603)
关键词 热塑性材料 点燃性能 临界热辐射通量 点燃温度 thermoplastics ignitability critical heat flux ignition temperature
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