
哺乳期使用植物小肽对断奶后仔猪生产性能和血液指标的影响 被引量:7

Effects of plant mini-peptide added in the sucking period on performances and serum biochemical indices of weaned piglets
摘要 为了研究哺乳期使用植物小肽对断奶后仔猪生产性能和血液指标的影响,将800头PIC五元杂交猪随机分为4组,在哺乳阶段分别饲喂对照日粮、含有质量分数2%血浆蛋白及质量分数2%和4%植物小肽的日粮,于(21±2)日龄仔猪统一断奶,在(25±2)日龄时从4个处理中分别选出健康无病、体重相近的75头仔猪,随机分为3个重复,统一饲喂保育日粮进行保育试验,试验期为42 d。结果表明,与对照组相比,血浆蛋白组(P>0.05)、2%植物小肽组(P>0.05)和4%植物小肽组(P<0.05)均提高了仔猪日增重;从试验全程的料重比来看,血浆蛋白组较高(P>0.05),2%植物小肽组和4%植物小肽组较低(P>0.05);血浆蛋白组(P>0.05)、2%植物小肽组(P>0.05)和4%植物小肽组(P<0.05)的仔猪腹泻率均有降低。与血浆蛋白组相比,哺乳期补饲日粮中添加4%植物小肽提高了断奶后仔猪日增重(P>0.05),降低了腹泻指数(P<0.05),提高了断奶后仔猪血糖浓度(P<0.05)和血清总蛋白浓度(P>0.05),降低了血浆尿素氮浓度(P<0.05)。说明在本试验条件下,哺乳期补饲日粮中添加植物小肽,能够提高断奶后仔猪的生产性能,促进机体营养代谢,并且随着植物小肽添加量的增加,效果更加明显。 To study the effects of plant mini-peptides added in the sucking period on performances and serum biochemical indices of weaned piglets,800 heads of PIC five-crossbreed weaned piglets were allotted into 4 groups and fed with the control group diets (group Ⅰ ) ,and 2% spray-dried plasma protein (group Ⅱ ),2% plant mini-peptides (group Ⅲ) and 4% plant mini-peptides (group IV) in the sucking period di- ets,respectively. At the (21±2) day of age,they were weaned. It's found that with the (25±2) day of age,75 heads were chosen from each group,and allotted into 3 replicates, then fed with the same diets for 42 days. The results showed that compared with control group, the average daily weight gain was increased in the group Ⅱ (P〉0.05) ,group Ⅲ (P〉0.05) ,and group IV (P〈0.05). The F : G on whole range was in- creased in group Ⅱ (P〉0. 05) ,while was reduced in group Ⅲ (P〉0. 05) and group IV (P〈0. 05). The diarrhea rate was reduced in group Ⅱ (P〉0.05) ,group Ⅲ (P〉0.05) ,and group IV (P〈0.05). Compared with the group Ⅱ,after supplementing 4. 0% plant mini-peptides in diet the average daily weight gain was increased (P〉0.05) and diarrhea rate reduced (P〈0.05). The content of serum glucose (P〈0.05) ,and serum total pro- tein were increased (P〉0.05),while the content of serum urea nitrogen were decreased (P〈0.05). In conclusion,plant mini-peptides in the sucking period could improve the growth performance and nutrition metabolism in weaned piglets. The effects were significantly increased with the plant mini-peptides added.
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期37-42,共6页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 上海农业厅推广项目(沪农科推字(2004)第1-7-2号)
关键词 植物小肽 断奶仔猪 生产性能 血液生化指标 plant mini-peptides weaned piglets performance serum biochemical indices
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