目的以乙肝核心抗原(HBc)为载体构建含有HCV T细胞表位的表达载体pTrc-core-T1,为HCV治疗性疫苗的研制打下基础。方法采用PCR法在原核表达质粒pTrc-core的HBc e1-loop处添加NheI酶切位点,利用基因重组技术将人工合成的HCV T细胞表位(1445-1453 aa)基因插入NheI酶切位点处,构建成重组质粒pTrc-core-T1,并经酶切、PCR及测序加以鉴定。结果质粒pTrc-core-T1酶切、PCR及测序结果与预期结果相符。结论成功构建了病毒颗粒样抗原表达载体pTrc-core-T1,为HCV治疗性疫苗的研制奠定了基础。
Objective Use HBcAg as carrier to construct HCV T epitope expression vector pTrc -core-T1 .Methods PCR to add the NheI site to plasmid pTrc-eore,and fuse the pTrc-eoreNheI with a synthetic T-epitope antigen gene(1445-1453aa) of HCV,the positive plasmids were extracted and identified.Results The results of PCR,sequeneing were agree with expected. Conclusion We successfully constructed the HCV T epitopes expression vector pTrc-core-T1 ,and made a foundation for HCV therapeutic vaccines development.
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis