目的:建立木蝴蝶药材的指纹图谱。方法:采用反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC),色谱条件为:Lichrospher C18(250mm×4.6 mm Media 10 nm,5μm);流动相:A:1%醋酸乙睛,B:1%醋酸水溶液。洗脱方法:(0~30)min,乙腈%为10%~25%;(30~50)min,乙腈%为25%~55%,保持5 min;流速1.0 mL·min^-1,柱温:30℃。结果:测定了黄芩苷含量,构建了木蝴蝶药材的指纹图谱,对不同产地来源的木蝴蝶药材分类。结论:该法准确,重复性好,可作为木蝴蝶药材的质控方法。
Objective:To establish a HPLC fingerprint of Semen Oroxyli. Methods:The analysis was carried out on a Liehrospher C18 column(250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) eluted with the mobile phase consisted of aeetonitfile(A) and water(B) all containing 1% acetic acid in gradient mode. The gradient program was as follows:0- 30 min, A changed from 10% - 25 % ; (30 - 50)min, A changed from 25 % to 55 % ; then the column keeped for 5 min. The flow rate was 1. 0 mL·min^-1. The wave length was 280 nm and temperature was 30 ℃. Result: The fingerpring of Semen Oroxyli was estabilished. Conclusion:The method is repeatable and can be used in quality control of Semen Oroxyli.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae