资源的定位是点对点(P2P)系统的关键技术之一。Chord提供了一种有效的路由算法。算法的性能很大程度上取决于用于路由的finger table。Finger table提供了大量其他节点的信息以加快搜索速度。但是在原协议中,它的表项冗余严重,关于其他节点的有效信息相应减少;同时,被finger table保存信息的节点之间的距离不断增大,使搜索的稳定性不够。在此基础上提出了一种对Chord路由的改进算法,极大地降低了路由表的冗余,同时又使其搜索的稳定性有很大提高。
Routing is one of essential technology in P2P applications. An effective routing algorithm was provided in Chord. The character of the algorithm was mostly lie on finger table which was used to route. Finger table provided lots of information about other peers to quicken routing. But in the original protocol, the finger table had a terrible problem of information redundancy which decreased effective information. Also distances between peers whose information was stored in the finger table increased gradually which made the query length unstable. A method was proposed to reduce redundancy and improve query stability.
Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering