设计的脉冲发生器以DDS(Direct Digital Synthesize)芯片AD9851为核心,用单片机MSP430F169进行控制,通过改写DDS芯片AD9851的频率控制字,调节信号输出频率,频率范围为1 Hz^70 MHz。采用7阶椭圆低通滤波器,使信号具有快速衰减的幅频特性,同时采用增益控制电路调节信号幅值。样机具有性能稳定,功耗低,体积小,使用方便等优点。
In this paper a pulse generator is designed based on AD9851 DDS ( direct digital frequency synthesis). Employing single chip computer MSP430F169 for control of AD9851, the frequency of output can be adjusted by changing the FTWORD of DDS AD9851. The scope of the output frequency is from 1Hz to 70MHz. The use of seven-order low-pass elliptic filter makes the signal decay rapidly in magnitude-frequency and the employment of gain control circuit adjusts the amplitude of the signal. The frequency, phase and amplitude of signal generated by the generator can be adjusted conveniently. The model machine is stable in property, low in power consumption, small in size and convenient in utilization.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Machinery