The development of fiat panel display devices such as field emission displays(FEDs) and vacuum fluorescent displays(VFDs) requires highly efficient cathodolumi.nescent materials. While many efficient sul- fide-based phosphors have been explored as possible low-voltage phosphors, the volatility of sulfur has prohibi- ted their use in FEDs or VFDs. Sulfide-base phosphors often degrade under high energy electron bombardment due to dissociation of the cation-sulfur bonds. Oxide phosphors offer potential advantage because of their supe- rior stability under electron bombardment and excellent luminescent properties. SrGa2 04 is an attractive oxide phosphor for low-voltage cathodoluminscence applications in VFDs and FEDs. Like other wide bandgap semi- conductors, SrGa204 exhibits a purple emission. Activation with Eu^3+ ions, the emission shifts to red. The Eu^3+ doped SrGa204 phosphor was prepared with the conventional solid-state reaction method. The phase com- position was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction. The result shows that the producing powder belongs to monoclinic crystal system with its lattice constants: a = O. 943 nm, b = O. 900 nm, c = O. 839 nm,/β = 89.06°, and with space group P21/c (No. 14). The excitation and emission spectra were measured. The main peak at 610 nm can be ascribed to the electric dipole transition^5D0-^7F2, which indicates that Eu^3+ occupies a site lacking inversion symmetry. The peaks at 590,610 nm transition emission split to two peaks :^5D0-^7F1 (586, 597 nm) and^5Do-^7F2 (609, 615 nm) , respectively, due to the crystal-field in the conditions of mole fraction of Eu^3+ with more than 1%. The strength ratio of two parts for the splitting peakTF2 can be changed according to the concentration of Eu^3+ .
Chinese Journal of Luminescence