
消费者网上购物行为的实证研究 被引量:11

A Empirical Study of Consumers' Online Shopping Behavior Based on TAM/TTF/PR
摘要 在采用模型(TAM)框架下引入任务技术匹配(TTF)和感知风险(PR),构建了消费者网上购物的概念模型TAM/TTF/PR,并在中国背景下进行实证检验。结果表明:网上购物的意向最大程度上决定着实际行为,而其最主要的驱动要素则是感知有用性;TTF通过直接和间接的方式来对实际行为产生很大的正影响,并可以降低对实际行为有较大抑制作用的PR;而感知易用性间接地对实际行为产生正影响的力度十分微弱。证明了TAM/TTF/PR模型优于TAM/PR模型。研究结果可为关于电子商务的理论研究和实践探索提供启示。 Through introducing task technology fit (TTF) and perceived risk (PR) to the technology acceptance model (TAM), the conceptual model (TAM/TTF/PR) of consumers' online shopping behavior was constructed, and the hypotheses proposed under China's background was empirically tested. Results show that the intention of shopping online greatly decides the actual behavior and the main driving element is perceived usefulness. Not only can TTF through direct and indirect modes significantly exerts positive influence on actual online shopping, but also significantly inhibit PtL The positive effect of perceived ease of use on actual online shopping is very weak. The TAM/TTF/PR model has been proved to be superior to TAM/PR model. This paper can offer enlightenment for theoretical research and practical exploration about e-commerce.
出处 《工业工程与管理》 2007年第6期77-82,共6页 Industrial Engineering and Management
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划(NCET-05-0864)
关键词 技术采用模型 任务技术匹配 感知风险 网上购物 technology acceptance model task technology fit perceived risk online shopping
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