
应用微螺钉型种植体支抗正畸治疗的临床研究 被引量:2

A clinical study of orthodontic treatment with microscrew implant anchorage
摘要 目的:研究应用微螺钉型种植体支抗正畸治疗中,上颌第一磨牙和切牙的位置变化,评价微螺钉型种植体支抗的疗效。方法:研究牙列拥挤、前突16例患者,年龄13~23岁。矫治设计上颌需强支抗,上颌拔除双侧第一前磨牙,在矫治器粘结之前植入微螺钉型种植体。种植体植入于双侧上颌第二前磨牙和第一磨牙之间的颊侧牙槽嵴上,位于两邻牙牙根之间。治疗早期应用微螺钉进行尖牙向后结扎,后期以轻力每侧100~150 g力远移上颌尖牙,内收上前牙,排齐牙齿。治疗前后均拍摄头颅定位侧位片,并测量切牙和磨牙的治疗变化。结果:应用微螺钉型种植体支抗的16例治疗后,上颌第一磨牙在前后向和垂直向未发生显著性移动(P>0.05),切牙在前后向发生显著性移动(P<0.01)。结论:微螺钉型种植体是一种稳固、舒适的支抗系统,可以实现理想的支抗控制效果,达到支抗磨牙的稳定,有效治疗拥挤、前突畸形,该方法可广泛应用于正畸治疗中。 Objective :To investigate the stability of upper molars with the application of microscrew implant anchorage during orthodontic treatment. Methods :The study comprised 16 patients with crowded teeth and protrusion ,whose ages ranged from 13 to 23 years. All patients were treated maxillary first premolar extraction. Microscrew implants were inserted into the bilateral buccal alveolar bone between maxillary second premolar and first molar before bording straight wire appliance .Upper canines were lighted backward to the microscrews in the initial treatment.100-150 g force each side was added to the microscrew and retracted teeth .The cephalometric films before and after treatment were measured and compared. Results : 16 eases were corrected effectively. Maxillary first molar had no significant changes in anteroposterior and vertical directions. Conclusion :Microscrew implants could provide good anchorage control in the dental crowding and protrusion treatment. This kind of implant anchorage can be applied in orthodontic clinic.
出处 《南通大学学报(医学版)》 2007年第6期486-488,共3页 Journal of Nantong University(Medical sciences)
基金 江苏省南通市科委社会发展科技计划基金(S40023)
关键词 正畸支抗 微螺钉型种植体 前突畸形 Orthodontic anchorage Microscrew implant Clinical application
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