提出了一种WiMax终端系统平台,介绍了其硬件、嵌入式系统和协议软件设计,重点讨论了平台的关键技术实现。给出了采用该平台及WiMax专用芯片实现的WiMax MODEM方案,简介了其应用前景。该系统成本低、功耗低、扩展方便、组网灵活、性能良好,是一种较好的WiMax终端平台。
A WiMax Modem Platform is presented including the design of its hardware, embedded system , protocol software and the implementation of key technique. A modem structure based on the platform and WiMax ASIC chip is proposed, and its application is introduced. The system is featured by low cost, low power consumption, easy expansion, flexible network application and good performance, so it is a good WiMax Modem platform.
Telecommunication Engineering