
试论我国水土保持学科的性质与定位——川陕“长治工程”中期评估考察的思考 被引量:7

On the characters and position of the soil and water conservation science: A thought for soil and water conservation of Changjiang River basin
摘要 以小流域为单元实施山、水、田、林、路、渠综合治理的理论与技术体系是在我国水土保持长期生产实践和科学研究中形成的具有中国特色的水土保持学科体系。通过川陕"长治工程"中期评估考察,分析"长治工程"小流域综合治理的特色与创新,并据此讨论我国水土保持学科的性质与定位。水土保持学科无论从法律地位还是学术地位,均应归属于资源保护与利用的范畴,与环境保护和生态学科的本质区别在于,水土保持更具有突出的生产功能。现阶段水土保持学科仍应首先赋予其防治水土流失,治理江河,提高农业生产综合能力,发展农村经济,改善农村基础设施及农民生活质量的内涵,并努力使之与农村生态建设结合,以不断深化和丰富其内涵,同时应在开发建设项目水土保持、饮用水水源地水土保持等方面拓展其学科外延。 This paper analyzed the characters of small watershed management in south-west China by investigating small watershed management on upriver of Changjiang River basin in south of Shaanxi and east of Sichuan. This investigating reports show that the first task of small watershed management is changing slopefield into terrace so that decrease soil loss and increase crop yield because the south-west of China is severely impacted by soilerosion and the crop field per capita is much less. The second is increasing farmer's income by planting fresh and dry fruits, oil crops, spiceberry and so on. The third is increasing the area of irrigable land by holding up and conserving runoff to enhance the yield of crops and fruits. Meanwhile, the road and drainage system of rural and field should be constructed. In fact, soil loss can be controlled effectively and eco-system and environment can be ameliorated through human efforts. What' s more, the study shows that soil and water conservation must be endowed with its connotation which is controlling erosion, holding up sediment, improving agricultural productive capacity, developing rural economy, reforming rural infrastructure and advancing living quality of farmer by small watershed management at present. Meanwhile, it also should be extended its denotation including soil erosion controlling of mine, construction site, city and town, and natural eco - restoration. Therefore, the science of soil and water conservation is different from environment protection and ecology. Summarizing the theory and technique of soil and water conservation, this paper shows that taking small watershed as a unit carries out reasonable development and wise use of land and water resources by comprehensive planning of hill, a streamlet, cropland, grassland, orchard, forestland, countryroad, irrigation ditch, drainage dike and so on. The theory and technique system of small watershed management, which takes scientific, systematic, productive and the social public welfare as special features, is formed by long-term production practice and scientific research of soil and water conservation in 1944-2005, and has a core position in science of soil and water conservation in China. It can be said that having no small watershed management, there would be no academics system of the soil and water conservation as Chinese special features. Soil and water conservation could not only solve the problem of eco-rehabilitation but also production and economy in China.
作者 王治国
出处 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 2007年第6期87-92,共6页 Science of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 水利部水土保持司 水利水电规划设计总院项目"中国水土保持区划与规划体系研究"
关键词 水土保持 小流域综合治理 生态学 环境保护学 soil and water conservation small watershed management ecology environment protection
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