
预制床法生物修复胜利油田含油污泥的研究 被引量:9

Bioremediation of oily sludge in prepared bed in Shengli Oil Field
摘要 针对胜利油田滨一污水站产生的含油污泥,建立了面积2400m2的预制床处理工程,使用石油降解菌菌剂对含油量为110160mg(以每千克烘干含油污泥计)的污泥进行了生物修复,经过160d的处理后,含油污泥中石油降解率可达52.75%。针对北方冬季低温的特点,在处理场中建立了温室保温措施。温室内外修复效果的比较表明,在冬季采取适当的保温措施可以明显提高污泥中石油烃类的降解率。 A prepared sludge bed(80.0 m×30.0 m×0.5 m)was employed in the bioremediation study for treating the oily sludge(oil content:110 160 mg/kg)produced at Binyi Wastewater Treatment Plant of Shengli Oil Field. The treatment was performed in three sections of the bed:A)with additions of a Russian microbial seed mixture(0. 5 kg/t) ,nutrients(urea and KH2 PO4 to C/N/P ratio of 100/10/1)and a greenhouse, B)with microbial seeds and nutrients and C)with nutrients only; the oily sludge in the three sections was supplemented with 2% of plant biomass to improve its water holding capability and aeration efficiency and was turned over and watered every three days during the test period. The physical and chemical properties of the raw sludge in an offsite location(Section D)were also monitored for comparison. The results of reduction in the oil content and its components and increased densities of hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms have demonstrated the benefits of the supplemental microbial seed, nutrients and higher temperature due to greenhouse;mechanisms for the observed improvements were proposed. Bioremediation in Section A resulted in a reduction of 52.75% in the sludge's oil content after 160 d. A longer bioremediation period is necessary to achieve the desired treatment objectives.
出处 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期912-915,共4页 Environmental Pollution & Control
关键词 含油污泥 生物修复 预制床 冬季保温 Oil containing sludge Bioremediation Prepared bed Heat preservation in winter
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