基于0.6μm BiCMOS工艺设计了一种高稳定性、低功耗以及带有使能控制的带隙基准电压源,利用HSPICE仿真工具对电路进行了仿真。在3.6V的电源电压和27℃室温下,输出的基准电压约为1.248V,其温度系数为15×10-6/℃;当电源电压在2.7V~5.5V变化时,基准电压仅变化10 mV;同时电路亦输出逻辑使能信号;在全条件下,整个电路的最大功耗约为65.45μW。因具有低功耗和使能控制等特性,所以他可广泛应用在各种开关电源等芯片内部。
Based on 0. 6μm BiCMOS process, a low power BiCMOS bandgap reference voltage circuit with enable - control is designed, which has high stability and low power consumption. According to the simulation results by using HSPICE tool, the reference voltage is about 1. 248V with a supply voltage of 3.6 V and an ambient temperature of 27℃ and its temperature coefficient is 15 × 10^-6. The variation of the reference voltage is about 10 mV with the supply voltage varying from 2.7 V to 5.5 V. Meanwhile, the circuit gives an enable - control signal to other circuits. With a maximum power consumption only about 65.45μW and enable - control, it can be widely used in switch power systems.
Electronic Science and Technology