
细胞骨架和高等植物的向重力性 被引量:4

The Role of Cytoskeleton in Higher Plant Gravitropism
摘要 细胞骨架被认为在调控向重力性反应早期的信号感受和传导过程中起着重要的作用。大量的研究证据表明,微丝在生长素极性运输中起调控作用,并最终引起植物表现出向重力性的不对称生长。在植物向重力性生长过程中微管排列发生重组,但是微管重组在调控不对称生长中的作用仍不清楚。当前的细胞、分子和生物化学技术的发展为研究这一困难问题提供了可能,同时大量最新发现的植物细胞骨架结合蛋白为分析植物向重力性过程中信号传导的调控因子提供了丰富的信息。本文着重介绍植物细胞骨架的功能及其在植物向重力性反应中的作用,以及空间植物生物学研究的最新进展。 The cytoskeleton is considered as an important organelle in mediating early sensing and signal transduction events in plant gravitropism. There are a lot of evidences indicating that the role of actin cytoskeleton in regulating auxin polar transport, which induces a lateral gradient of auxin and results in plant organ curvature. The reorientation of microtubules in plant cells during grav-itropic response was also reported, but the role of this reorganization of microtubules in controlling the differential gravitropic growth has not been clear. The advances in cellular, molecular and biochemical techniques have provided several possibilities for further research into this fascinating area. The new findings in characterization of eytoskeleton binding proteins have provided us a lot of useful information on various kinds of candidate regulators that could be targets of the gravity signal transduetion chain. In this paper. the functions of cytoskeleton in gravitropism are discussed and the update progress in plant space biology is also introduced.
作者 魏宁 郑慧琼
出处 《自然杂志》 北大核心 2007年第6期338-340,341,342,347,共6页 Chinese Journal of Nature
关键词 微丝 细胞伸长 细胞骨架 向重力性 微管 信号传导 aetin,cell elongation, eytoskelcton, gravitropsim, mierotubules, signal transduetion
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